A local Tahoe birder often says “There’s always something interesting at Cove East.” I know – that birder is me. And it is true.
There might be a Goshawk on the hunt. Or a Purple Martin in the mix of swallows swirling overhead. Gray-crowned Rosy-Finches down from the mountain crags, foraging by the lakeshore. A Long-eared Owl perched in the pines. Lewis’s Woodpecker might flash by. A Blue-gray Gnatcatcher dodging in the willows on the way north in the spring. We once had a Heermann’s Gull mixing it up with the California and Ring-billed regulars. Interesting all.
Take Tahoe Keys Blvd from Highway 50 (towards the west end of town). Venice Drive is the stopsign. Right on Venice. Cove East begins where the road ends.